VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Well, the new people are starting from zero with a new lease contract. So yes, the cost is the same

Pourriez-vous parler de choses PLUS intelligentes que le payement du premier mois de “prestations” qui n’est, semble-t-il, pas payĂ©, des conditions de contrat du manager et des occupants, etc
 prĂ©occupations qui ne me regardent pas 
 et vous non plus !

En bon entendeur 

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That’s how I found out that I was to blame for global warming. Ten years ago, as soon as I bought a new, good-quality snow shovel, right after heavy snowing, it became just a memory in our local area. I have been using the shovel as a dustbin for ten years.

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You should have seen my c___dren, in jackets, gloves, snowshoes, in the middle of a meadow in bloom

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You got a problem with that then?
We all get there sooner or later so you needn’t worry about missing out pal :laughing:

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so pukin is giving his annual speel ,just listening to his drivel shows how much of a muppet he really his . i thought to myself i wonder how many of the youth actually listen to this speech , i did a little check of all the realms , and saw that only jovannas realm are watching it , then again i dont know what realms are in russia ,


Wondering if it’s the speech what made them horny?

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Hey what happen to the 24hr rewind it’s not there
Does anybody else have this problem
I can send a ticket if u guys want me too


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Okay no problem no worries :hugs:


You mean more than normal eh :rofl:


Russia have always been paranoid that the west is out to get them whereas in reality the west couldn’t really give a a rats ass about Russia, apart from protecting themselves from the Russian ambition of expanding everywhere. JMO.


Tickets for the broadcast of Putin’s address to the Federal Assembly are “sold out”; the cinema halls are “sold out”

On the eve of the bunker performance it was reported that all tickets had been sold out, but something went wrong. Either Putin’s people are lying, or the people don’t give a damn about the message.

Thus, in one of the Perm cinema halls there are no more than 20 people. Most of them are members of the Young Guard of United Russia and journalists. In St. Petersburg in the cinema the picture is the same.

(Telegram: Contact @pravdaGerashchenko_en)


Hey @NotSeth I do enjoy ur posts but sometimes I disagree it’s nothing personal :hugs:
We can agree to disagree :100:

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Hey @jabbath1987 why are you giving almost every @NotSeth post negative reactions when in the past you have called me and others trolls and reported to kaya for doing the same thing to you or john?

Fixed it for you. :wink: :hugs:

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Sorry about that thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Apologies for having to bother you. @kaya I was told giving a user constant negative reactions such a :man_facepalming:t2: or :-1: was considered trolling and not acceptable forum behavior. Jabba for the past days now has been giving ALL my comments negative reactions. The majority being :man_facepalming:t2: with the rest being :-1:.

The only reason I have an objection to his behavior is the majority of the VHTV forum users have been giving the same comments he keeps giving negative reactions to positive reactions. To me this type of behavior falls under the forum definition of ”trolling”.

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Utter bulls__t. You are only trolling by telling in many post Adery should fuck Emma and Queen should fuck other guys. Don’t be surprised that I give you a :man_facepalming: for that.
I have my reasons for that reactions. So stop trolling and stop crying to Kaya.

My only and last comment on that one. I am fed up with your bulls__t

I am not trolling. I am only giving my opinions and beliefs. You have been giving me :man_facepalming:t2: & :-1: in more than just the Queen & Aderyn form topics.

You made an entire forum topic complaining about how there was no longer enough “hot action” happening in the realms. Why are you allowed to express your opinions, but not me? If my comments are “trolling” then the entire forum topic you created is trolling

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