VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Kan niet inloggen bij VHTV .
Heeft er nog iemand problemen ?

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hier werkt alles normaal

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zelfde probleem hier, hopelijk raakt het snel opgelost

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No problems on my side :thinking:

Might be something with the local servers

Kan terug inloggen .
Voor het moment probleem opgelost

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Problems should be resolved.


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Glad to hear from u too all the best good luck :hugs:


Hi @Handsdown, i hope itā€™s nothing too serious, and you have a very quick recovery. All the best. Take care.


Interesting factā€¦#AmberHoster has been on this forum for 7 days and she is now #7 on the leaderboardā€¦

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Whatā€™s your point. Itā€™s 7th for today and 7th for the week. So sheā€™s been fairly active since sheā€™s joined.


maybe she is actually using this forum correctly and viewing and participating in all the topics , instead of being selective .also she probably as more spare time to use the forum than others ?


There is no point intendedā€¦she has been very activeā€¦and curious :grinning:


lets not hound her away its nice to have a female member and one that doesnt troll the forum


Dident know there was a leader board :rofl: :rofl:

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I didnt either till today :joy:


Then hurry up to catch up with Erosā€¦ :joy: :joy: :joy:

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and in the words of @jabbath1987

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Oh, first I donā€™t know what a ā€œleaderboardā€ is.
Second, I like to talk a lot and interact a lot when something interests me. In this case, the couple Ariela and Will. I donā€™t know why I couldnā€™t separate myself from their story, their dynamic, their very hot sexual chemistry being that there are twenty other screens calling and showing intimate parts left and right.
Yes, there are other departments/topics I have an opinion on, but I have not been drawn to them as much. Iā€™m curious (which raises questions, obviously) because I want to understand and am drawn to human nature, how people interact and in this particular project, the ability to take body-heart distance.
Third: yes, maybe Iā€™m going through a stage where I found it fun to enter a forum that talks about voyeurism even knowing that 99% are men (spoiler, I graduated from a university career whose majority were men so I didnā€™t worry about being in a field unfamiliar to the female gender) and add to that the fact that I have more time than most (for various causes of life that are not relevant).
Yes, it may be interesting that in one week I have intervened so much because I am in this first stage of knowledge; perhaps, later on I will lose interest and they will end up missing me hahahahahaha
One last thing: thank you for the respect in your comments. They could have been ridiculously macho and yet, they took kindly to add my estrogens to the forum :wink:

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spoken like an educated woman .most others would of just said screw you :rofl: :rofl: