VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

just came across the picture to that story of you

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when sparring so close to a title fight boxers should wear headguards and they wouldnt get cut , common sense when considering the amount of financial outlay prior to the day of the fight by the promoters etc it probably happened when his dad decided to slap some sense into him

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I think it’s really stupid when people let themselves be hit in the head for fun


I must admit that because of what you are saying there is why I have a hard time considering boxing as a sport or a sporting activity in the first place. :hugs:

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What does it mean when there is a number next to the emoji menu but no emoji shows up to the left?

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That means you only got the standard emoji, i.e. the heart, and in this case 4 times. it will only appear on the left side if there were other reactions than the heart too

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Warum werden bei mehreren Standard-Emoji nicht die Namen derer angezeigt von denen das Emoji kommt? Weißt du das zufällig?

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Just click on the number next to it and they will be shown to you.

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It’s probably a matter of setting up the forum software. If you click on the number next to the heart you can at least see the avatars, and then when you mouse over the names

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Danke fĂźr die Info. Oder ernsthafte Frage zur allgemeinen Kommunikation im Forum reicht ein :+1: auch als DANKE dafĂźr?

I think everyone interprets that differently.
Basically, a thumbs up is enough for a “thank you” or “yes”.
The heart, on the other hand, expresses more of a “like”.

it could also mean your a broke ass bitch and need a lift :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
sexy naked man GIF by Vanessa Marie Carter

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Or, “I agree with you”.

By the way Handsdown was sick lately he had the Covid for second time… I hope he is OK he is out the last 2 Days

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Thank you for your concern, we somehow beat the covid, but unfortunately some other things went wrong and we had to go to hospital for a while.

Besides, to be honest, the events on VHTV made me think that it would be necessary to say goodbye, at least for a while. The quantity completely overtook the quality, if you know what I mean. When you click on the cameras just out of boredom, you know it’s time for a change.

To make it all look not so bad, here is also the start of the new gardening season, my personal favourite hobby.


All the best and good healing. Good luck and success. Come back soon! :hugs: :hugs: :heart:


Nice to hear from You There will always be problems, the good thing is when we overcome them
This is what I think too, that there are important things in life, especially when Spring will soon begin, in Winter we have excuses because of the cold weather
Personally it’s a way to try not to think about life’s problems and also the COVID period kept us inside
In any case, as You mention, there are always things to do, such as gardening, sports, and others small but important activities.
First of all wish You to be well to have the best time possible and in the future we may talk some time …
Again- was very nice to hear from You All the best …
Take care Your Self !!

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Thank you for all your wishes!

As far as the forum is concerned, I will still be around from time to time, we have built genuine relationships with some of you, and it’s good to stay at least partially informed about what’s going on.


So on VHTV they would say:
Everything is fine?

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Almost awesome :rofl: