yes strangling another person is not breaking the rules
ok thand you
Lool, i didn`t even knew this when i posted the vids. I just though its a very weird thing to do. And even more makes no sense for Artem to bring him in, unless he wants some attention on his Realm.
I hope he got banned from visiting any realm. I do not want to see morons like him on the site anywhere…
allor false rumor that you said I know artem violant go as far as homophobia I don’t believe
100 percent correct he was a complete thug
I don’t know the story, but I have to say that Crusty has never been one of my favorites, so no love lost on my part.
hes not very popular with quite a few it seems
is that Barb ?
when artem takes poppers who is violent says it’s not true
had seen his aggressive behavior
Guys may I humbly suggest we get back to talking about @Artem1345 . No need to waste our energy talking about the dead beat. He’s gone now and hopefully sometime soon he will learn the errors of his ways and do his best to atone for them. Not saying it is likely, but we can only hope.
Who knows Artem seems like a decent guy and his views have changed quite a bit since joining the project. If the two continue to associate off cam maybe Artem can be the good influence on him that he needs. I would like to believe everyone has the ability to learn from their mistakes and change for the better.
yes speak very well
Are you feeling ok mate, never read anything like that from you before, old age kicking in now
I’ve told you before I am not the bogeyman some people on here would like you to believe. It may come to a shock to some, but I know how to be serious. I just prefer not to be most of the time. Life is too short for that imho.
Hope no! He could beat Artem too!!
Hear hear
Getting a bit too soft in my opinion
Well if Artem still hangs around with him despite knowing what he did (and the risk he poses to others like Adil) then he deserves everything he gets…
No one deserves a fool’s hate or violence ,not even a moron or a fool !