
I rather think, that was Stefan, but he wouldn’t slam the door to get in and make the people inside tremble and one of them jump out the window.
Before he left, bald guy had a discussion with Trisha, and whatever they said in that could probably explain what the whole fuss of the last days is about…

Or was Grayce at the door? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh, I am sure Grayce would hope it was him at the door. But I doubt it was him though. :fire: :hugs:

I guess Grayce would be happy to be that Teddy :rofl: :rofl:

I translated part of a phone call yesterday where Trisha said he broke her damn doorknob. However, that was the only meaningful thing one could understand. Of course I don’t know who she was talking to, but I think it was the bald guy.

Hey, be serious, that guy is in fantasy land :wink:

Yeah, he is in a way, no doubt. But at the end of the day: Be nice and kind to Grayce. He deserves it. :hugs: :slight_smile:

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Oh no, i am not talking about Grayce now. :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh, then I am sorry for it. :slight_smile: :wink:



A visit behind the curtains brings back the nose problems seems still to be “severe”. A bad cold?

As far as I can see we are still talking stripped multi tasking here. :slight_smile: :hugs:

For Grayce and for now that wish only stays as an imaginary dream. :hugs:

I guess there’s cold wind from a “cracked” window :laughing: :laughing:

Or did she wipe her nose on the curtain because she caught a cold jumping out of the window?? :rofl:

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This time through the frontdoor.

Without that skin headed bald guy in her heals. Good for you honey. :hugs: :slight_smile:

Out for a very late night shopping? :rofl:

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The bald one was back in the apartment this afternoon. He was packing some clothes for some reason. Maybe doing his laundry? Anyway, Kano shook his hand and then tapped the bald one on his head with a rolled up paper! Kano raised his voice a bit when talking to the bald one. Maybe to warn him about screwing around with Trisha? Trisha looked nervous and remained subdued (for her). I wish we could figure out what’s going on.