wieso? du schaust hier doch auch den ganzen tag?
Hast du schon mal darüber nachgedacht, ob es in den Wohnungen eventuell WLAN gibt?
ja es geht nicht ums geld sondern wie süchtig nach dem handy sind und ausserdem schaue ich nicht den ganzen tag in meinem computer
the actual names of both participants and guests should not be disclosed…
Sorry, but if that was an “Army-marker”, half of VHTV men would come from the Army.
And Henry would be the “drill”-sergeant
Ok, so maybe that was a little bit off the mark, exaggerated or overblown. I take that. But it was only to confirm or follow up on Jabbaths description. Overall it seems Jabbath and I agree on quite a lot at the end of the day.
And I would say Henry at least tries to make a hell of an effort about being “drill sergeant” with his overall sexual conduct behaviour. I have to say that.
More “soldiers” pouring in?
So do I, it was just meant as a joke.
Don’t take it wrong.
Yeah, of course I get that. But it is somehow meant as a joke and a little bit seriously on my side.
Looks more like a family visit?