I did not recognice her with her clothes on
Luckily there are apartments like this on Vhtv
Well now, should be interesting to see what transpires over time. All sorts of scenarios are going though my mind.
With Julia moving in, certainly anything can happen.
I was wondering, if Julia takes back this place and Henry was preparing a new place for Trisha, when he was gone for two days, and Jutta visiting, and Trisha being at Henry’s with Julia etc etc,
but I won’t say it, because it’s just speculating.
could as well be, that Trisha and Klaus are taking a personal vacation-time-out, and Julia is house-sitting.
A ella la vi vestida con trocitos de tela y alguna que otra remera. A Ella alcanza y le sobra una valija de mano jajajaj
Women and all their famously additional stuff, eh?
Depende lo que llames adicional
Well, all their belongings in their purses, for example.
I used to call my ex-wife’s handbag a gymnastics-sack, because it had the size of a backpack rather than a purse. Trisha’s black bag is not much smaller.
Exactly. Thank you for confirming my point perfectly.
Ustedes no entienden que una mujer es previsora y lleva cosas “por las dudas”. ¿Y si se me descose la camisa? Llevo aguja e hilo. ¿Si me lastimo la rodilla? Llevo bandaids y a_____l. ¿Y si justo me agarra la lluvia y me mojo el pelo? Llevo el secador de cabello. ¿Y si me quedo atascada en un ascensor? Llevo un tubo de oxigeno