I already have 12 cameras set up in my apartment. I was wondering if there was a trial set-up that a new comer like us could test the waters before going 24/7 on here? Get the opinion of the moderators and see if it would be even worth while.
Best is to ask @MilkaFox about that. She is franchise manager. And I am not sure if you have to use the cam models of VHTV. Your cams might be not compatible with their streaming system. But I do not know that for sure.
This is true. PM to @MilkaFox , all compatibility issues can usually be settled.
ya puede tener 30 camara esto VHTV el pasado superior pero ahora nooo lo siento
Give it a try if arrangements can be made. Mature couple in the U.S. YES, YES, YES!!! I am open minded with wide open eyes.
I should mention to those reading this that we are a mid-50 year old couple here in the states. We go on with life here. Sometimes nude, sometimes not. We enjoy being watched and we also like watching.
I use mostly Foscams and 2 USB cams. There is a Raspberry Pi to host my cams privately to known couples 24/7 at this time.
I thought I would bring this discussion up here first to get input not only from views but those moderating this place also.
I am not a moderator but I say we welcome all new people. It is always good to have new faces.
I’m older and have lived on cam since they came out, but would not want to be on nice but too public of a site like this, for me
I really hope it can be sorted out. I would love to see something new and different. Go for it! Good luck!
Hey @CNGSpot
You should definitely go for it. Let our franchise manager to discuss everything with you to see if the setup fits our requirements and other conditions.
Hey guys, drop me a PM, we’ll discuss your wishes.
Great may lead too other potential US tenants!
It says I do not have access to message you.
Maybe only user with Premium Status can do? I suggest @kaya to give you one or two premium days and you try again
No need. Please try again, @CNGSpot
Or in case it doesn’t work, just contact us via support page or via Start with your own studio on Voyeur House TV link
I would enjoy watching
respuesta desde españa llevo mucho tiempo aki en VHTV cada dia esta peor la cosa no hay nada que ver casi todas las salas no hay nadie
No one? What place are you watching?
llevo mucho años con ustedes pero esto es ya no hay nada de nada una pena saludos
Sorry, I could not understand your message besides the fact I translated it. May I help you?