Translation globe is gone?

I lost the translation “globe”
Any tips to get it back?

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Mourn its passing. Grieve it well …

I just copy the text and then put it in Google Translate. :wink:

The ‘Brave’ browser has Google Translate as an option in the context menu. Just highlight the text you want to translate and open the context menu…

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Yep, I know. Thx… But the “globe” was easy and fast way to translate French, Italian etc in to English :slight_smile:

Thanks for getting the translation globe back, it’s very good :wink: :point_up: @VHTV_James

It’s gone again @VHTV_James

Thanks for letting me know. Now fixed!

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Sorry, but it’s still with me
Have restarted the page again without any help

It’s OK now - thanks @VHTV_James

@VHTV_James I try to follow the discussion in the Mental Health thread, how much is written in Russian
Why is this limitation here?
“You’ve performed this action too many times. Please wait 9 seconds before trying again”.