Still they could get give an update what is happening…
An update would certainly not be a bad idea for all fans. I fully agree.
2 hours ago I asked the support-team for an update and they told me that both left the project. Now it is also shown in the dashboard overview.
@jabbath1987 archives.
Damn, I am truly gonna miss her
Told ya so. Tonk’s last few months were a pure fiasco.
But that is another case where VHTV should announce people on relocation that they left project a lot faster if there is:
- No clear indication they are working on the relocation or
- There is no information or contact with participants and / or managers for some weeks.
About Tonk failing I see several factors:
- Big place with no action
- Cam setup bad (Most cameras were too far away from action)
- At the end no more motivation to do anything
- For some reason realm55 might be the more attractive place to party so all his guests went there.
Too bad, too bad, too bad. Although it’s no longer surprising anywhere. I always find it sad when the participants don’t come back from an announced change of residence.
However, I also believe that it is not so easy for participants to find and put together a strong team. To fulfil the expectations of the Vhtv spectators. Especially if the main protagonists, perhaps like Ryry or Harmony for example, are no longer 100% behind the project. And are perhaps no longer available as crowd pullers. Then it will also be difficult for Tonk to keep an empire profitable.
I wish everyone involved so far all the best and nothing but the best. You should never say never, and maybe see you sometime. Farewell Ryry!
But what I do not understand is that some managers after so many years did not learn that cameras set up in a bad angle and / or too far away from the action will hurt a place no matter how good it is.
I would have never picked that apartment because it was obvious from the first look (especially the livingroom) that a good cam setup will be impossible.
Good cam setup always starts with the choice of an apartment.
Good timing! It was time to renew my membership and my only reason to renew was Tonk and diferent girls so not gonna renew my subscription anymore! I don’t see any interesting apartments just bunch of girls that hang around single.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. But there probably won’t be a super precise flat. Unless you build it yourself.
And if the cameras are positioned so that there are as few blind spots as possible. Depending on the layout of the flat, there will probably still be some bad angles from time to time. The number of cameras will simply be important, and that there are overlaps in the coverage area.
Only if you have a living room, kitchen or bedroom as big as a football pitch. You will have a very difficult time with these cams. Sometimes you’re too far away. And other times too close.
That sad I’m going to miss seeing Ryry and the other beautiful ladies that came through I wish them nothing but the best
Damn, a small amount of hope was sparked by this comment chain Ricci - #4189 by Art
but things can change at a drop of a hat and that is OK.
I hope nothing but the best for Tonk and the gang and I will always say that the website is a better place with Ryry on it, no matter what she is doing. I know that I would welcome them back with open arms if they ever felt like it
I wouldn’t saw the place had NO action but very little action and I don’t think the cam setup was all that terrible compared to other places.
I lost interest towards the end because of Tonk. He wanted to be the one guy who got all the women in the house but could never perform to save his life, while at the same time stopping Ryry from enjoying herself with others. I hate one-sided relationships.
It’s always anti-climatic when a place that stays open for so long leaves the site like this and it’s unfortunate we won’t get to see Ryry with a guy who won’t take advantage of her and treat her like shit.
I agree there are places with worse camera setup.
Yes he tried to behave like the guy who gets all the girls but in the end failed but I am not sure if that was only some game he did for the viewers or his real character. He never seemed like such kind of a guy to me. About his relation to Ryry that will always remain an enigma to me…
It is mind blowing how some people create stories just to fit their narrative and frustrations, without having a single clue about the reality. How on earth someone knows what Ryry was doing outside the cams, yes she did spend a lot of time outside the cams, even gone for long periods of time. Going further, she did told to one of her friends ( Terrance ) that she had a lot more fun than Tonk did Play this one
In the end, like it or not, she’s going to thank him for the rest of her life for NOT letting her to fill the internet with porn. So yes, in reality, Tonk properly looked after her and NOT his financial interest
Ryry is one of my all time favourites on VHTV and I wish her all the very best in life moving forward. She seemed to lose interest in the apartment after May last year and to my thinking it was all down to the domineering behaviour from Tonk - but of course who knows apart from Ryry. Interesting whether she is in fact still with Tonk - despite all, she did seem to have a deep attachment to him. As long as she is happy…