Tonk & Ryry (Part 2)

the question is will there still be ryry in the new accommodation?

turned off for changes, should it take some time for them to come back?

Umzug , ich denke mal dass Haus wurde zu groƟ und viel zu sehen gab es auch nicht mehr .

War zwar eine schƶne Wohnung aber alles in allem doch ziemlich unĆ¼bersichtlich. Eigentlich schade wenn ich Ć¼berlege was da manchmal abging, aber ich gebe Dir Recht das es zum Schluss immer weniger wurde. Vielleicht gibt es ja einen Neuanfang und wenn Ryry auch mal ohne Tonk Sex haben darf bin ich eigentlich recht zuversichtlich das es da wieder aufwƤrts geht

In fact, the flat was a bit large and confusing. And in the end, this flat felt bigger and bigger, simply because the fascination had diminished somewhat.
And yet everything was very well organised here at the beginning. Martha was still there and had her share of the flat. When she left and Ryry physically withdrew further and further. There was just too much space.


My words :wink:

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Another question is: will the relocation take only one year or maybe two years?

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Could be because he is about to come back online again soon.

Edit: I just checked and heā€™s still listed

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Ah man, donā€™t get my hopes up like that

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Is there any news here about when the move will be completed? I miss them both, this is one of the best realms here


I do not know. Write to support or maybe @kaya knows? :hugs:


No news unfortunately


Thanks anyways for the update :hugs:


Tonk always takes a year to come back. at least expect another 8 months LOL


I seem to remember that he once was up in less than 24 hours so when you looked at his timeline, you could see both places. But maybe Iā€™m thinking of someone else

I donā€™t remember exactly if it was that fast, but the move from the last apartment (currently Ricci) to the last one was very fast indeed.

I went and checked some comments and this post by you Tonk, Alexander & Martha (Part 1) - #8563 by John78, the old place being renamed to Aronya and Art, and then a comment saying that they were back online all happened within a few hours.

That being said, I hope they take as long as they need to find the right place, though I eagerly await their return

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You are right, it was a matter of hours. I did remember now how it was, Tonk posted that there were some problems with the neighbours and heā€™s going to move to a new place soon. I assume that they had time to find and prepare the new place (basically, it was a planned move). Maybe now it was different, who knowsā€¦

I would love to see Ryry but to all intent and purposes I feel she left VHTV almost a year ago. Not sure why she would come back or what we would see if she did. Please no more sleep ins :laughing:


I do think Tonk will return at some point. Only I think heā€™s still working on the new cast, who will end up living there with him, or should. I would imagine itā€™s not Ryry anymore. And sheā€™s only there as a guest. It would be a shame if we lost her completely.
I also donā€™t think it would be that easy to find a flat. Because it shouldnā€™t be as big a flat as the last one. Because a big flat like the last one is difficult to fill with life in the long term, I think.