Tod & Kellie

Well that is a perfect hat for him DUNCE

so why are you here then websites full of russians and apartments in russia?


Now you admit being racist. @VHTV_James please ban this racist troll.

Where is popcorn?

A troll insults another user to be a troll.

To be honest with you James, I don’t think I watch any of the Russian realms as they have no interest for me, I mainly stick to the Ukrainian and a few others that aren’t in Russia, not for the reason that they are in Russia, but most of them seem to be the same with silly kids IMHO.

As for our resident Troll/Putin lover above, try harder will you as I nearly spat my tea out with laughter when I saw that. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m sure if all the idiots flew, you’d surely be the squadron leader :innocent:

Every day learning something on VHTV Forum. Today lesson: russians are a race of them own… :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Soon we will all be calling each other by numbers because everything else will be racist. We have made racist color, gender, age, location, activity, and I have probably left out some.

Mark my words.

U r right…… I told John… same thing….:joy::rofl:

I conclude that numbers will not be the solution either, because it will be racist to those who have a smaller number than some… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You have a smaller dick? Go to the back of the line!

Fucking racist…

I apologize, I’m getting off topic.

@anon31605929 clearly said that he hates Russians. If hating people because of their race is not racism what would you call this then ?

Dude, russian is not a race :wink:

Hating people because of their nationality is the same thing

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Fixed for truth.

And banning users on the forum who seemingly agree with what’s happening would be another as well

Just logged on and wish hadn’t now.
Everything seems to be getting very unpleasant and controversial on here so think it best to leave.

:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

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Flagged as off-topic


This topic will be cleared from all recent off-topic comments soon. This is the only and the last warning for everyone, including @jabbath1987 & @anon31605929. I won’t even merge the posts, I’ll just delete off the topic ones. If continued, account suspension is immitent. Want to discuss politics? Go find other topic or forum. Keep it within VHTV activities boundaries please.