When I come to see what my favorite participants have been up to all day, I browse through the important cams and look for the characteristic bumps in the blue timeline graph that often indicate sexual activity. But for many cams the graph does not tell much, when it’s almost a perfect flat line or just hundreds of indistinguishable spikes.
What exactly does the graph indicate? I guess it’s probably audio level, or maybe viewer activity.
Maybe if you had several overlapping graphs in different colors it would be easier to find the juicy bits of the day.
One for audio level, one for viewer activity, one for image activity (motion detection) or something like that. Those should be numbers your systems have readily available. Does the bitrate of the video streams you get from the cams vary with the amount of pixels that need to change their color from frame to frame? I guess video compression works something like that…
premium members (and I do not know the diff between a member and user such as yourself) can click on it to watch what happened, it is a video time line. A spike can just be a movement in the room as a solid lift mean steady activity in the room. Maybe someone more advanced can elaborate
Timeline is awaiting it’s re-work time, we have several feature requests for it and need to introduce more data to fill too. No ETA yet, but we’ll give a sneak peak once we start working on it
You just use the plus and minus icons at the end of the timeline to expand or contract specific minute references and then click the individual blue dots to access the moment you want. The knack to it is clicking on the minute BEFORE the one you want, in order to see what you want to see. If done correctly, the VHTV timeline is very useful and actually does NOT need to be changed.
The timeline itself doesn’t need to be changed, I love the zoom feature, but it is the activity indication (the blue graph) on the timeline that definitely needs to be looked at. That is pretty useless as it is now. It should be based on motion, not views, so I hope VHTV one day will develope a motion detector feature.
Well as you may know, motion detectors have been discussed on the forum. I can’t remember the exact thread title but it is there. I seem to remember VHTV staff came on to say that it could be looked at as a possible idea for the future. I think I am remembering that correctly.
@kaya & @VHTV_James, I appreciate it’s not an easy fix to implement with regards to opting for motion detection, sound levels or viewer numbers in timeline but is there an expected timeframe for this upgrade? Personally I feel it would be more beneficial to myself to have motion data rather than views but I appreciate others will disagree with me, so therefore if there was a way to set a timeline preference or an ability for the viewer to use the video controls to quickly search through and find movement themselves. I have no idea if that’s technically possible but I appreciate you looking into the options available.