why does it give me this error when entering the forum from Italy?
This community is not accessible in your location.
why does it give me this error when entering the forum from Italy?
This community is not accessible in your location.
Unfortunately, just as mentioned above, the community isn’t accessible in your location. You’ll need to use VPN to connect.
But well, if you’re reading this, looks like you’ve already figured it out
@Jeramie34993 @kaya, do you have any idea why it isn’t accessible? Did the internet provider decide to block our filth, or is it a nation wide thing with the right wing populism / conservatism of the Meloni government? Is the main site affected as well?
I wonder if this might become an issue in Germany, too, and if I should look into VPN services. Never needed one so far.
The block is from our side and won’t affect Germany
Interesting. I don’t want to be overly nosy, but what’s the reason? Some compliance thing with Italian legislation?
No, no, just internal reasons. For security
Just a word about VPN:
I think it’s not an unrealistic thought that in the future we need more and more VPN as governments, providers or other services will block access to certain sites.
First of all let me say it’s not possible to block VPN.
VPN is not a protocol like https, ftp or ssh. The majority of VPN tunnels use SSL or TLS and port 443 just as a normal HTTPS connection.
Therefore they can’t be distinguished from normal connections.
What can be done is to block access to all known VPN providers.
But of course you can run your own VPN server. It’s not even hard in times you can get cheap subscriptions to AWS, Google, or Microsoft Azure. You can choose in which country your server will be hosted. My suggestion is always choose the USA as no country will block secure connections to USA as too many services everybody needs are hosted there.
So you run a VPN server software on your server and simply connect there with your phone or computer or in some advanced routers you can set the VPN connection directly in the settings.
This way nobody at all can block your VPN connection no matter in which country you are and you have free access to all blocked services.
I don’t know about the tech details, but you may be right about our future need of VPN. Our next government is definitely going to be a more conservative one, too. Wouldn’t be surprised about some actionism against dirty websites.
What if the USA decides to block the sites??
Nothing will happen as I said that VPN connections are not visible when used via encryption
meloni I hate her with all my heart…
I blame the internet for this renaissance of right wing populism. Stupidity these days is just more contagious than it has ever been before.
work with vpn
@kaya after the forum update we Italians (aliens) are always out of forum access without using a vpn?