Why does VHTV keep closing topics? Like the sending messages to tenants one and topic on should there be pages? NO! There will be no discussion about this! Shut the fuck up and be a good little worker for us and fall in line with the right way to think and be. Do not question us! WTF!
Why did you move my topic? See you are a moderator @jabbath1987.
I guess next my topic will get merged somewhere and buried in a heap. Sweep sweep! Don’t look at the man behind the curtain.
You are just a troll, why they don’t ban you I don’t know. Every post you make is bitching, whining or complaining
Yes why are topics constantly been locked and closed.
cause no one wants to listen to you
You guys are a bunch of cowards.
Cause dissent or questioning VHTV is not allowed. They only want brown nose ass kissers who will post advertisements for them. They want you to be their worker too.
Stupid s__t like this all over. Whatamess
There are no more Videos Archive Requests topics. Ready to start a new conversation?
oh she has a ego cause she calls someone a nobody gosh dam watch out guys
– Wow.
– What?
– Look, the topic is closed!