Technical problems

In addition to not seeing the Timeline, I cannot access the Clips Gallery (getting a 502 Bad Gateway message) and several of the apartments go out and then come back in.

Sorry to say it’s also caused by same reason - issues from our hosters side. Please accept my apologies for this case, we will try to restore all the features as soon as possible :cold_sweat:

As you continue growing bigger (The site, not you :rofl: :kissing_heart:) it might be an idea to get a backup hoster when one makes problems :wink:

We use about 10 different hosters, but there are still problems. In the current platform, not all pieces of software can be scaled horizontally, so some services have a single point of failure. It will be better with the new platform.

When is the new platform going to be up and running?

She is already in the process of testing. You are already partially using it. But the archive has not yet been transferred to it.

Thanks for the info. Things seem to be up and running again.

Maybe a host in South America (Brazil) be cool for the ones we live here. I’m sure not one be here for the big ping. Maybe not many users from here, understand that. But will be cool in a future. :heart:

Thats one thing i would really like to see that. Brazilian girls yes please. :heart_eyes:

We plan to expand the network, including to South America and Southeast Asia. So far, everything is complicated with Australia - there are very expensive servers.