Sylva & Carlson

Are Sylva and Carlson also just guests in this flat, as this realm has different names in the title? At least I haven’t followed it like this before.
But it’s a nice big realm, with lots of cool possibilities.
Ariela could perhaps invite Sylva and Carlson to her own realm. It could be very exciting there too.


As I said there is more freedom for them when they remain guests. :wink:


his hands are wandering … on Ariela …


sorry, that was my fault. everything is fine so far… we just had a somewhat difficult topic of conversation
it was about the luck that some people have in life who can afford something, and the bad luck that she has at the moment, which means, among other things, that she is hardly ever at home and her income from VH is very low. … with the side effect that sometimes other apartments benefit from her presence (whether Carlson or Bo), but that has no influence on her own apartment
Carlson is a lucky man in life, from the current perspective (we don’t know how he got to where he is now). But he also had a few more years than Ariela to get to where he is now


Carlson Very Respectful Gentleman he tries to encourage Ariella



The main participant of the weekdays of our realm is Kitty, the main guests whom I do not bind by contract and chain to the project are Carloson and Silvia, there will also be mutual collaborations in the future, as you observed today. This allows me to let guests go without scandals and conflicts and also negotiate with other participants and their managers. Because, unfortunately, the contract ties hands in this matter, a person is tied to one project and does not have the opportunity to appear on others without the agreement of his manager or notifying him about it. But managers of many projects do not appear anywhere, this is a common problem of the contract, which limits the actions of participants who have signed contracts with such managers.


Don’t think like that, we are not selfish and we will also come to Ariela, with the permission of her manager


I adjusted the Wiki article of the place so it is a bit less confusing for people :kissing_heart:


I know… but it will only have a short-term effect. Unfortunately, life is not always fair.
Thank you for letting her be your guest. I may have caused the meeting (together with someone), but it is you who are making it happen.
I know she feels comfortable… and that’s nice to see


Just imagine, there are two apartments that have two different owners, their children live there, who can’t let anyone in and not leave themselves, collaborations also work, each manager bears his responsibilities for the realm, if my participants want to go and invite, then I don’t mind, but they always they will notify me, as a manager, and Ariella does the same. If she needs help, she will ask her manager, and my participants will already go to her)

Now there are a lot of realms and many keep short chains on the participants, remove the passive ones and change them for demonstrative orgies. We have Kitty, our cute kitten, who is also not active as a participant, but we like her, why kick her out? If Ariella has problems, she has our contacts and we will connect to communicate with her participants and manager, if necessary, to help resolve some conflict, do not worry :heart::pray:t2::people_hugging:



I’m German. Worrying is in my blood :stuck_out_tongue:
I can just express it better than some others who just moan :wink:


On my mother’s side, all Germans and Austrians are blond, blue eyes, and my mother decided to violate “pure blood”, my great-great-grandmother disrupted the wedding. So I’m a nation of Balalaika and living with bears, I don’t care about life :joy:


Now, let’s guess who is hot for Ariela since she showed up here. :joy: :joy: :joy:


As a child, I was blonde, but my hair has darkened a lot since then (and I think I’ve started to get a few grey hairs… at least in my beard) and I also have very light blue eyes. But luckily, I don’t know of any prejudices in my family… except for my late grandmother, who wanted to disinherit me if I turned out to be gay, just because I stayed single for a long time.


Well, my mother’s great-grandmother always had one condition, to marry only a German or an Austrian, but what did she want after fleeing to the CIS during the war? My grandmother is married to a German, my mother married a Slav, my young man is Jewish (but was born in Mariupol and grew up). Therefore, I am glad that “purity of blood”, racism, homophobia remains in the past


is unfortunately coming back… at least in some people’s heads. I (still) hope the majority of people are smart enough to realize that it is nonsense and elect the right people as their leaders…

but back to the topic… and since we’re talking… a question about the apartment: why is cam4 in a different time zone than the rest of the apartment? :crazy_face: apart from the fact that the whole apartment is in the wrong time zone when you compare the OSD clocks with the +3 on the cam side



Looks like Ariela is headed home.