I wish you all the best for the next year of your life, sylva.
Oh where have you gone?
I see now, you have moved to libra n papa’s spot
Challenge accepted ))))))))))
To Amazing Sylva
Slyvas Birthday was when the big party was. But of course “Happy belated Birthday” to our lovely @Sylva
@Sylva I am late for the wishes of our beautiful sylva sorry…with access via vpn I access the forum less often…anyway many happy birthday wishes …
Thanks for all yours congratulations!!!
Carlson’s a gentleman
1 mec bien ce CARLSON mon préfèrè de vhtv pas comme tout les jeunes loups …
I hope this is the start of another party weekend.
you right!
Carlos, I ran across one of your favorite words the other day, but the context was so totally different from how you use it and what you mean, that I got intrigued and went and looked it up.
It turns out it actually is a word—I always thought you just made it up. However, the actual, true, dictionary meaning of the word—and it’s only meaning, BTW—is so 180°, completely different from how you use it and what you mean, that I think you should consider offering a sincere apology to everyone you’ve ever said had disinhibition. Here’s what it means.
Disinhibition, also referred to as behavioral disinhibition, is medically recognized as an orientation towards immediate gratification, leading to impulsive behaviour driven by current thoughts, feelings, and external stimuli, without regard for past learning or consideration for future consequences.
One disinhibited behavior example is a person abruptly swiping food from their boss’s plate at a formal work dinner. Another example of disinhibition is a person impulsively taking items from a store without paying. Other disinhibited behaviors are displaying rage or aggression, binge eating, and starting fires.
Disinhibition can also look like rude, tactless or hurtful comments, sexual comments or inappropriate flirting, undressing in public places, or touching their genitals in public.