[Survey] Emails from VHTV ✉

Hey everyone,

We sometimes send out email campaigns to our viewers for all the different reasons. Though email is a very important marketing channel and we surely use it for our own sake, we also try to make them useful and interesting for a viewer to check out time to time. Everyone can unsubscribe from those anytime.

I’m here to ask you a feedback on how do you love them, what suggestions you may have and, if you hate getting emails, what would make you want to get & read the emails from VHTV?

Here’s a little poll set for you to check it out:

Do you get our emails?
  • Yes
  • No, but would love to
  • No and don’t want to
0 voters

If you’re out of the loop, (Re)Subscribe to upcoming emails now:

Would you like to subscribe?
  • Subscribe: Take me in!
0 voters
Here's how our most recent email looks like

We love experiments, there are dozens of different types we were sending you all the time!

Alerting you about giveaways & sending latest news

Limited Promotions


Feature Announcements

Security Updates

Christmas Wishes

Participants' Digests

And many many more other types. No spam, ever.

Parks And Recreation Reaction GIF

We would love to get your feedback on this.

The Editor.


I have been irritated that I’m not getting free full access to all camera days anymore and have not been eligible in these contests


I see no reasons for emails, we have this forum and that is enough.

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@VHTV_James How about a ‘Yes and don’t want to’ option on the poll?! You seem to have missed that one off. :innocent:

I should point out that this not necessarily how I would vote personally. I am just suggesting it as an option for those who might want it. :slight_smile:


The easiest way to do survey is to send email asking customers what they would wish to watch, that’s very important; at the same time, I absolutely do not agree with @marcie59 when she says that forum is enough to express opinions; I’m a reader of this and previous forum for years, and growing evidence indicates that people often either lie to please others, or are too scared to say the truth, or even don’t participate in the forum at all. So yes @VHTV_James, always ask for feedback via email, if you want to know people’s real preferences :+1:

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I guess the idea is that when you don’t want them you unsubscribe from them and go to category “No and don’t want to”

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We spoiled you then :smiley:

No need to as you can just unsubscribe from any email.

We ask for user’s feedback very often in our emails and blog. We collected those via Support, CamCaps before. Now we have this forum and use it for these purposes too.

We also plan to run personal surveys if users are up to it via emails. There are some specifics we need to learn time to time.

Will rooms open for me?

Will VHTV give me back a day or 2 full access since my cams went down for almost 2 days ?

That would really be encouraging to sign up for full membership .

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