Does anyone know the reason for this error message?
The video isn’t anything extraordinary, just my usual timelapse footage…
I just downloaded your latest cooking video and uploaded it to the forum again. It worked perfectly. If I were you, I would also try this to narrow down the problem. If it works, it is more likely to be related to your latest video, which is causing the error message. If it doesn’t work, there is a fundamental problem.
If there are fundamental problems, you could ask chatgpt, for example, and/or wait for feedback from Kaya.
Yes, other videos work fine. I remade the entire video again, but I didn’t get a different result.
Well, maybe I’ll write this off as a ‘glitch in the matrix’ and skip uploading it. And hope it works again for the next video.
Maybe a comparison of the metadata will reveal an anomaly…
Good morning,
This could relate to upload file being modified right before,during upload, or issue with size/format. Could you please resave the file/put it through some changes of size/format just in order to try with another version?
The only thing I hadn’t changed so far was the filename, but I just tried that: that didn’t make a difference either.
Length/codec… everything had already been changed, deviating from my pre-saved, tried-and-tested presets…
I’ve uploaded the file to Mega in case anyone wants to try it…
No problem with upload… maybe you try another browser?
Yes, my usual candidates, Brave and Firefox. Both had the same problem.
Okay, then it was something local, whatever. Best to put the video in the cooking area, with my #Timelapse tag… and whatever the problem was, I hope it’s gone away.
Thanks for trying.
Sometimes it is inexplicable. In such cases, it has helped me to simply run the file through a converter - e.g. with Any Video Converter (it’s free)
I have converted the video with Any video converter. It is now a bit bigger. (40 MB)
You can download it and then upload it yourself in the cooking area. I assume that it works with this converted version.
OK, thanks. It worked.
Then we can consider the problem solved…
I think the problem was just that your file during upload got changed slightly. Most good systems do a hash check to check if the files signature is still the same to prevent embedded viruses and things like that.
The reasons for that can be multiple:
- Loss of packet(s) and / or metadata information during upload.
- Something went wrong while saving (Faulty hard drive at the hoster)
The protection from manipulated files here worked as it should and the second upload with no problem worked.
So everything is fine.
However, I’ve replaced videos with the same filename but an improved version several times… and never had a problem with it. No idea why it was different last night than before…
And i must also say that the first upload didn’t work; there was no exchange of an existing file…
Yes because your file got corrupted during upload or while saving it to the forums servers. (At the web hoster)
Nothing you can do about it at all.
I thought they were called packets?
Yes of course. I meant packets. That was stupid ahaha