I thought that maybe we can share our expectations in the halloween competition that is going in VHTV
everything is based on what is the reward for tenants. if the first prize is under 500$ i would not expect apartments to compete strongly.
if its above 1000$ than some worth action will take place i believe. as when they had the previous competitions that the first apartment would get around 3500$ some of the apartments didnt even care to compete
it would be awesome if VHTV would say something about the prizes cause in that way we could know what to expect more or less.
Anyway my speculation is.
Mira Henry
will have a good party with the guest from last night to close the circle, as yesterday did not follow up with sex,so my guess is that they hold it for when the competition will start,anyway i think we will see some interesting things from them this week.
Yan Flora
i believe they will also have a very interesting partie, as i heard both of them was searching people to party, in case it will turn out succes for them iβm pretty positive that they gonna be for sure in top 3 winer place, i would go that far to say that even Flora might do something with another guy to make sure they win the competition,witch in this case would be eassy win for them
Ken Barbie
as much i dislike this apartment i belive Ken is not that stupid to let this opertunity to waste.so i think he will organize a party and things will go a bit further than usuall, not realy sure how much, but i think Ken is not stupid enough to loose this opertunity for some extra cash,and he knows that purely with clikbaits not gonna happen,and as much i dont want them to win i know a good party from them will make people to vote for this place.
Bono Isabele
i do not like the +7 gm but i have to give credits for their creativity, iβm not into gay sex, but the have done very good themes with literaly things that you find in your own kitchen, i think they will be in high scoring apartments.
Sunny Markus or Luchik
they will have a good saying in the competition, they will gather the usuall squad, a nice party and they can have a very interesting saying on the week.
We should also include some other cool Halloween stuff they do. Decorations and Mira & Henry posted a very cool Halloween video on their Twitter
of course it will have an impact, but the best Halloween decoretion against a crazy partie,for what do you think the viewers will be more interested to? i do not disagree, that it is pleasant theme,i just went into the heart of the event to avoid extended writing
And here itβs explained the stupidity of having contests. tks now i know a place to avoid
i think the Stifler may surprise us ?
Looking to their place, guess they will meet all at ken&barbie
good point
Thinking about it , the other apartment that could give Mira & Henry a run for their money would be Capo particularly if she can get Anna & Alex back for a couple of nights.
will they know who is voting for them