-in no Order my top 5
Foo Fighter’s
30 Seconds to Mars
Alter Bridge
-in no Order my top 5
Foo Fighter’s
30 Seconds to Mars
Alter Bridge
1 Iron Maiden
2 Nightwish
3 Ayreon
4 Within Temptation
5 ZZ Top
Nightwish / Auri (I added Auri here as 2 of the 3 members are in Nightwish)
Within Temptation
Lacuna Coil
I’m Dutch so i’m a real Floor fan.
Iron Maiden
Green Day
Sex P____ls
Charlotte is wonderful too.
I bin a fan of Nightwish for the beginning so i love them all. But Floor damn. Did you see phantom of the opera from the show de beste zangers. If you didnt look on youtube. Floor Jansen & Henk Poort
Yes, but to be honest all of Floors renditions on Beste Zangers were outstanding and IMO she was the best performer over all. I guess you have heard Delain in your own country as they were a Dutch band until they dissolved at the beginning of this year.
I know them. Just like Evanescence and Epica.
Damn Sex P____ls nice first punk band how did not give a s__t about nothing.
The good news is Charlotte Wessels has just released her first solo album and form a couple of songs I have heard it may be just as good, the only difference is that I believe she is doing different styles and mainly it is a compilation from what she has done for her Patreon’s.
Thanks i will go listen to her.
How far did you get with Gloryhammer?
I listend to Charlotte Wessels its a little to soft for me. but thanks
I’ve never been able to do a top five or ten or twenty. My tastes are all over the place. I’ll give anything a listen once no matter what it is. I stopped listening to new music in 2005 because there’s over a hundred years of recordings prior to that and I don’t need more rehashes.
If you were talking genres, then '30’s dance band, '60’s & '70’s lounge, '70’s Funk, early '90’s trance. I listen to those a lot, but I also listen to reconstructed ancient Roman music, 18th century dance music, and ambient electro from any decade as long as it’s mellow and doesn’t have constipated whale farts all over it.
As I say, my tastes are all over the place. I also have a soft spot for really cheesy stuff, like novelty records. ‘so bad it’s kinda good’ sort of stuff.
thanks for the reply mate
You guys make me feel so old
Queen Stones Beatles INXS Blondie but not a band but still beating all of them the much loved ( and equally hated) Michael Jackson what an entertainer
@WolfieSmith MJ king of pop. love it.
Sorry but i have to change my list. I forgot my most favo. band so here it is
1 Queen
2 Iron Maiden
3 Nightwish
4 Ayreon
5 Within Temptation