Do most of the participants have some sort of s___ping sickness? Except for the older couples like K&T, A&L, O&L, S&C, who all apparently have outside jobs, most of these people spend most of their time in bed or on a couch s___ping, or watching TV/staring at their phones.
LOL good question but I think with some of them they don’t go to bed until the small hours of the morning which is why they s___p so much through the day.
hey, we also have a job, just we don’t need to go out xD (no I’m not talking about VHTV)
Katia (realm53) sometimes s___ps more than 20 hours. That is not normal anymore. You have a totally normal s___p schedule…
REALLY? tbh 20 hour scares me, a lot!
Her record is over 23 hours. Today she woke up after 22 hours 40 minutes and now is in bed again
I’m scared
And she spent most of that time almost completely wrapped up in a blanket, sometimes completely over head, like an Egyptian mummy.
I am curious if she will hibernate all winter?
God, I hope not!
I had that to ones, but I was awake for 72 hours. now i s___p 5 hours.
But it the same with couples how live in there bedrooms.