I don’t understand Russian. What is the big fight between Sina and Sky about. It went on all day. I feel sorry for her.
It is mostly Sina starting the drama. She is a big drama queen. Normal there. Nothing to care or even worry about. When Sky is smart he will run away one day…
Day 2 of fighting between Sina and Sky. I really wish I understood the language. But it’s not pleasant to look at. It seems he confis__ted her phone for several hours and I wonder if he is forbidding her to leave the appartement. She looks a sub to me. Can anyone inform what the argument is about?
More drama from Sina. Nothing to worry about…
Somehow I feel, if they hit each other with chairs and table legs, you will still saying: oh, just drama again from Sina, no need to worry…
if that happens they would try to cover it by turning off the cameras, so there is no need to worry.
Nah, I was just joke.
(Off topic: I saw only once a really aggressive moments on this site - few months ago, a look like chubby filippino guy who was threated a naked woman, and pull her to the window by her hair. This was just a few mins until the system was shut down, I think because of the manager and the security’s intervention. Unfortunatly I dont remember the names and the apartment.)
She seems very skinny. I hope she’s not anorexic.
Yes she’s painfully thin isn’t she? Another unwell person was Elaine (remember her?), I once asked the moderators to tell her to see a doctor because of that persistant cough she had. She disappeared shortly after, i hope she’s ok…
Last day blonde guest was epic. wish had some sex moment with her! Guests are super but don’t see anything from them.
Bring back Lana and the Twins! Or the girl he banged in february that upset Sina. Theyre kinda boring by themselves. If she let him have more fun it would be more exciting
D’ya know what I’d like to repeatedly stick into Sina?
Some great big fucking dinners, lol.
SKY beat the s__t out of Sina @VHTV_James in the bathroom please stop it
How weird does not usually happen in vhvt
Seriously, Sky really hit a woman because she didn’t want him to go down with another woman. ?
guess wha no sina and sky
Por que, cuando están teniendo sexo Sky y Sina, o sus invitados al rato se corta la imagen y ya no vuelve , y pone como problemas técnicos y desaparecen de la lista de apartamentos sin que nadie diga si volverán o no, ya no dicen la realidad de esa desaparición.
dicen que sky pegó a sina y cortaron la emision por eso.
pero a vhtv no le interesa que se sepa.