Shower Curtain debate

@jabbath1987 Can you move the posts about the shower curtain issue at Berg and Freya topic here please they are off topic posts,

Nope as Jin is part of the debate he will start to cry why his posts got moved. So no. VHTV can do it. I am not discussing with that person. Sorry.

There is no debate necessary at all. Rules are clear. Curtain have to be removed when

  • no fully transparent curtain there
  • no cam inside the shower

What is there to discuss?

Well try telling Jin and one or two other members this. The message isn’t getting through to them. I fully understand and many others but don’t you know it’s the usual cry babies that don’t understand.

I don’t care about them. Talking to Jin is pointless… Wait when they (Berg & Freya) come home and start fucking and the debate will stop :joy:

Most of the forum members trying to have fun have ignored Jin

Best you can do :joy: :+1:

Only on my 10th ■■■■, give me time :busts_in_silhouette: