Should we have some basic rules for posting pictures on the forum?

Nah he voted for unlimited. :wink:


I think this is the first time you got called the jerk and not me. :sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl:

So he’s been back to change his vote, why am I not surprised :roll_eyes:

Yeah, there is a first time for everything. :grinning:

Yes, you do. You’re initial complaint was that his multiple images was harming the site, the company. You sought to better the company by enf_____g a rule upon another member. You’re title is “leader” which signifies you as a person with authority. Your purpose appears to be to service what you think is in the best interest of the site.

I called you a jerk merely as a way to express how you are coming off to other people. I’m not new to this forum. I have read it for quite some time. I don’t have a temper. I’m not upset. I think you lost your argument and now you’re behaving defensively rather than as a leader would.

thats because some people need to be reminded whilst others dont :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well according to the leader board it is you. However, I guess I am not so far behind this week… :see_no_evil: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

I am not making up any reasons, that is simply an explanation of how sometimes one of my posts, which initially contained few pics, ended up with a lot larger amount of pics. That’s all

I simply don’t care of the amount of pics posted as i never got a technical problem because of them, but if this is causing technical issues for others and it’s not just another excuse for making personal attacks, i also don’t have any problem with limiting the number of pics per post.

Again, only if the large number of pics is causing real technical issues.

This topic is about posting images in the forum. FYI

Yeah, sometimes I check the forum on my phone when I am at work and it is painfully slow when there are too many images :sweat_smile: so I can sympathise with people who have less than perfect internet connection. :hourglass_flowing_sand: :roll_eyes:

Yeah, right… :joy:

Then simply ignore those users who post a lot of images. That’s the answer to your problem.

Yup and points on the leader board are determined by points given to posts. Many of those posts are made of images FYI.

Ok, as usual, this is going no where. I hope the owner of the company doesn’t cave to the people who want to limit others enjoyment. In my personal view, the more images and videos the better the forum. For me, it’s most of the comments that are annoying. You all have a great day!

Wrong, the points are determined by all the activity, not just posts. For example, you can get a lot of points just from the reactions you make without posting a single comment on the forum.

Normally when someone loses an argument they resort to name calling, in this instance it was you who started insulting me, not the other way around. :grinning:

@YoHoHoHo you’ve only been signed up for a day and you’re already complaining…I don’t even want to imagine what you’re going to do in a month…you’re going to blow up vhtv’s server… :joy: :joy:

Stop trying to twist my words to support your narrative. You left out the rest of my comment.

This week you are the #1 spam poster.

In fact, you are the #1 spam poster this month by a mile…

this topic is the true meaning of raising the dead , this topic was 1st posted AUG22 and died in NOV 22 with only 29 comments and was raised from the dead 4 hours ago and theres been 150+ comments in that time …WTG :rofl:

It’s not my personal issue. and I don’t ignore anyone for posting too many pictures :grinning: I am not that silly.

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