Should we have some basic rules for posting pictures on the forum?

Point is to making too many rules and give power to people who are not very good at their work…

If they really wanna work on rule then make rule for trollers and people who keep stirring drama and hate against participants and realms….

ok thank you for the information… :hugs:

As far as I am aware all TL4 members try to have minimal intervention on the forum. I am not sure what you are complaining about. Maybe you should start contributing to the topic on hand instead of constantly coming up with conspiracy theories and making accusations.

I know who is running this place and what’s going on here… look like u guys are supporting people in shadows……

Well I don’t care about anymore I often comment because it’s useless and pointless….

I observe not blind like others……

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Would you enlighten us please ? :thinking:

The intent of your original complaint was refuted by the owner.

Until Amy comes to town. Then there is a certain users that moves ALL his posts to the :poop:-hole regardless of if they are on topic or not. :sweat_smile:

No, it wasn’t. you need to read his comment carefully to understand his point.

i am sorry but before kaya came back you and jabbath were moving so many posts to the s__thole even when vhtv said stop doing that months ago , deleting topics, editing and even deleting posts. Thats far from minimal intervention

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Amy was banned indefinitely by VHTV.

I don’t mean to copy anybody I mainly have time in the morning to post pics unless I get time through the rest of the day to post and on the weekends I’m on here a lot and I have more time to post pics. I enjoy posting pics and sharing :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I come in peace and mean well :grin:

I have only moved some post there when I had absolutely no other choice, like when Tanya started to spam all the topics with her racist posts, or when you did the same. and VHTV was away. and since Kaya is back we have not moved anything as she is dealing with those issues now. so yes, it’s minimal intervention.

How so exactly?

Yes, he comes back with a new account every now and then and his main goal is to troll the forum.

JESUS H CHRIST have you never heard the saying

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We are all entitled to have opinions on anything that happens on VHTV and post those opinions on this forum. Of course, not everybody is going to agree with each other and this is where the trouble starts. Instead of respecting the other persons point of view and perhaps agreeing to disagree, a big row develops which then becomes toxic.

I am not whiter than white and have been involved in few disagreements on here, particularly last year when I first joined VHTV. However, I soon learned it was pointless because nobody wins anyway. I took a break from VHTV just after Christmas and rejoined about 2 months ago, and one thing I decided to do was limit the number of posts I place on this forum. Since doing that I have found I have enjoyed watching the realms even more.

When I see people getting into a heated argument on something they have seen on VHTV, I think to myself, why don’t VHTV scrap this forum.

Are we talking about a limit for posting photos or about some strange conspiracy theories some people make up? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

what the fuck i have never spammed a topic with racist posts

Not racist, but you have had plenty of hateful, confrontational and off-topic posts. and you do not let things go. 90 percent of the comments that you make have nothing to do with the topic that you are posting in. and you tend to take over the topics with your offtopic posts without any regards to the warnings, that’s how some of your comments ended up in the off-topic section, as too many flagged posts activates the automatic closing of the topic by the system.
For instance your posts on this topic right now has nothing to do with the title of discussion here. :neutral_face:

to me this post is just making a mountain of a molehill , so what if someone uploads loads of pics and someone else does , the forum is to cater for all members and not just the elite or namby pambys .if members wo have these issues cant work out what the scroll bar does then perhaps they should spend more time with learning keyboard options instead of giving themselves coranaries over something pathetic