Should the number of consecutive posts be unlimited?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

Should the number of consecutive posts be unlimited?

FYI - Currently we are all capped at 3 consecutive posts.

Facepalm GIF

At least make it like 10 FFS. What if someone likes a place that no one else likes? Guess what, they are fucked! Guess only the popular apartments matter in this forum.

I personally think it’s wrong to restrict users based on posting images.


I’m going to be flagging every single gif that is too much in a given time. How can this bulls__t be allowed they are still images as well.

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A vote with only one option?

First poll, wasn’t sure how it was going to work. Can’t add a new one now. I guess a non vote is sort of a vote.

@kaya @VHTV_James @jabbath1987 I can’t add a vote option to leave the cap at 3. Can you add that to the poll? I’d create a new one, but I can’t delete this topic and if there are 2 it would just be more confusing.

I think Shyguy meant there is no ‘yes OR no’ option, which there isn’t.

Yes, I know. But, I guess maybe if there are a significant number of voters then maybe they will remove the limit. I asked them to add a second vote option.

GIF by Netflix Philippines

I simply meant that in answer to this question we just need to be able to answer yes or no and we can’t. There don’t need to be other options (not sure what other options you can add to this specific question, to be honest), just the two.

Although have put Jin/Amy on ignore it is impossible not to see some of the s__t posted. I though forums were for us to discuss and have fun at the same time. Such hypocrisy at time from him/her that I believe they are there just to cry out for attention. It is always about him/her, always complaining whether it be about the rooms, the moment operator (what a better job they could do). Seriously wish the ignore function was like Facebook and NOT SEE ANYTHING when they post. They obviously have no real life and have this victim complex when anything does not go their way.

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Unfortunately I can’t help with this, I don’t have mods or admins role here. Let’s wait for someone more powerful Go Away Power GIF

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@jabbath1987 @VHTV_James seriously getting tired of people being allowed to say things like this to me with no repercussions. I know that if I said this i would get banned. I am a paying customer too!

I do not see any problem here. People can just edit their last posts they made when they want to post more. And for posting a lot of images we now have the album or grid function.

Why then is Jin on a restricting post limit.

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It is restricted to post too much posts in a row. When somebody else posted you can post again. But when nobody else posted after you, you can simply edit your last post when you have to say more. Once again he is seeing problems where there are not any at all.

I meant help with adding missing option to poll

Everyone is capped at 3 consecutive posts. If you like to post comments on a topic no one else cares about you’re screwed and have to edit your last post to add more. It looks terrible and is not good.