
Watch out for men at work! :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not their best pose but the job might get done! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


IMO, camera 9 needs to be raised a little? :thinking:


“Old” friends in pleasant company on the sofa :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


After party clean up in action…


Maybe we’ll be treated to Ghosts

thats what Henry does . keeps them for himself only for a few weeks then pimps them out to any one . then dumps them for a new one and starts again . Thats how he keeps the views and makes money


Crazy how no one speaks like this about females on here that fuck different guys every other night. I can’t believe after all these years people on this forum still have this made up narrowminded view about Henry, yet will still continue to watch every apartment he’s associated with.


but everyone knows that is what he does its all for the money. not narrow minded just the truth what ever anyone says . its so obvious what he does cant see how some people just dont admit it instead of always standing up for him . he finds them keeps them for himself for a while then lets everyone hsave them then dumps them for a new model , its happened so many times


was meinst du wohl was fĂźr einer Arbeit die Frauen nachgehen?

Once Henry gets hold of the girls, they are tarnished…

BTW, I wouldn’t pee on Henry if he was on fire, that’s how much I like him - if you didn’t know…


You’re completely missing the point. But completely. Nobody speaks about fucking different girls every other night but about an abuse of power, using his managerial position in order to use those girls for his own pleasure and making money with them. I refuse to believe that someone here actually thinks that ANY of those girls will actually fuck Henry if he wasn’t a manager and has the power to give them an apartment. THIS is the point of what people are saying here.


Then Anna and Alex deserve the same hate right? Because they bring people on and use their “power” too and get involved with the people they work with. And what about Flora? She brings people on and “influences” them or “uses” them for views.

It’s all selective outrage and it’s all bullshit. Henry and his ex-wife had been bringing people on and having sex with them WELL before they were managers. And fact that people he has managed still come by to visit even after they no longer are associated with VH also negates that argument. It has always been a dumb argument. Wanting to hate on him because he “abuses” this made up power he has is cringe and hypocritical because it still doesn’t stop people from watching him or his associated apartments.


As i always said, they’re all as bad as each other. The only difference is that some are way more “protected” than others. That’s all

Anyway, you’re comparison is very, but very forced. None of the others are fucking every single girl who works for them. Not a single one

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Shall we get back to topic or discuss it for the thousands time again? The outcome won’t change :rofl:


There was one new guy. I will follow @Kade181727 suggestion for previous guys and name him Rossini :wink:

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Thanks for the honour, but Rossini was meant for a redhead.

If this is who we are talking about,

and you didn’t execute the naming yet, I suggest




Sure let’s call him Orbis :wink:


Next is Chyna with her new buddy

Chyna having sex on cams? No way :rofl::rofl:

Never say never again

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