Welcome Shelia
Cool, she has her own place.
It looks like a nice apartment as well Sheila
The apartment looks kind of classically formed and nicely old fashioned.
I was going to say the complete opposite. Really oppressive vibe. The sort of place your grandma dies and gets eaten by the cats in.
Damned, that’s a noisy dog in the bedroom…
Welcome Shelia glad to see her get her own place
O muy marrón…
Nja… The overall main theme is pretty dark and a little bit gloomy possibly. I have heard a little stranger, worse and more straight forward descriptions of it than my one that is for sure.
If I am to call it brown, then I would call it clearly dark brown…
There is actually a clear designation you can use for it. That is baroque. The style definition equals barokk in norwegian.
Welcome to Shelia. Glad to see her in her own place. Lovely girl
Also I see she is sometimes called Sheila, which is actually more correct. About that, I have a confession to make. It was I GladNGrumpy, who once upon a time named her. When she first showed up, I instantly liked her, and a little reluctantly jabba accepted my suggestion for the name
The background for my name suggestion is that our Shelia/Sheila reminded me a fair bit of the fictional character Sheila Ashton from the English drama series “A Family at War” (1970-1972). I watched it back in the day, and Sheila Ashton made quite the impression on a young boy about to enter his puberty
Then, of course I managed to misspell the name. Whether it was ■■■■, red ■■■■or whisky, I don’t remember. The only thing that’s for sure, it was one of the three. I suggest we just let Shelia and Sheila be interchangable, and don’t make any more fuss about it.
Lastly, I promise to never ever again misspell anything else here on the forum
Did you see the dog? Her name is Mila
What kind of dog is it? I am not exactly known for being an expert in dog breeds…
Me neither. The breed is “Shelias dog”
Been looking around a little to get the lay of the land, and I’ve seen the dog. Looks like a very fine dog indeed
May be a Heinz 57. For those that don’t know the meaning,
" dogs of uncertain ancestry , a playful reference to the “57 Varieties” slogan of the H. J. Heinz Company"
You have so much more basic knowledge than me about this…