The 3 are back…and already getting undressed!..and pouring drinks!
there you know, libusa will definitely do everything again
A shame that Lester isn’t there.
need to put light on in bedroom will look lot better
let’s see if the idiot strikes again as great as last time with shana, where even shana was upset that it hurt.
does libusa get an arsefuck today?
they shouldn’t make so much noise, otherwise the neighbour will stand in front of the door like it was with mira, where she fucked with felix, the neighbour also suddenly stood in front of the door, they should be quieter
is that it now or is there more to come. we can only hope for the best.
whether he gets hard with shelby when she gives head
Shelby just taking more meds right now. This may be unpopular for me to say… but if you’re sick, maybe you should not have quests over. Maybe you should not be exposing your sickness to your friends. Maybe you should be isolating yourself for a couple days… just my inner thoughts
Unless this guy is into nose drainage on his face when making out
I completely agree with you