
foot fini retour vhtv j’ai ratés koi les potos ?

Nothing. Henry came and the party was ruined


You guys need to take a step back a moment. Who do you thank for the variety of eye-candy presented in this flat? Right. Show a little respect.

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which eye-catchers then, the only eye-catchers were evelyn up to a certain degree, doreen and now shelby, in the other areas it’s totally dead.

and shelby has definitely made more money with her actions in the last week than henry’s other divisions put together.

but they’re probably going to henry’s, just saw in retrospect how shelby packed all the drinks in henry’s rucksack

or to libusa in the flat without cams or lester

to get rid of him.

no i don’t think so. because shelby packed some drinks in henry’s backpack. and if they wanted to get rid of herny. he would have to be with him already. because it takes about 25 min to 35 min from shelby/mira’s flat to henry’s flat. now they’ve been out of shelby’s flat for over 90 minutes. libusa and lester’s flat isn’t equipped with cams. so it’s a guessing game where they could be. which is also possible, it just occurred to me that they went to loki’s, because shana isn’t at home either.

and shelby seems to have packed a change of clothes in case it comes to an orgy

Maybe their going to Evelyns. :laughing:…I’d hate to miss that!

We all are in the same expectations bro!!

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you lascivious bloke. you have dirty thoughts :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


the fact is, if they went to any of the three flats mentioned, we’ll never know what went down. whether it was a sex orgy, dp for shelby or even a little gangbang for her. or nothing happened at all because shelby refused to let henry fuck her.

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That’s why I said, had they stayed at Mira’s, and jerked Henry off to send him home, the party with the young-gang could have continued … without Henry. :joy: :joy:

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the question is, who invited him or did he invite himself?

Henry comes and goes, especially if he smells fuckable pussy … … from miles away.

The only thing is, sometimes the pussies don’t consider themselves to be fuckable … … for Henry. :joy: :rofl: :joy:


henry also got a phone call, when he answered, he immediately went into the loggia, you could hear that it was a female voice and it got louder and louder, henry only stuttered at the end of the conversation and always said yes yes yes. could have been mira, who had shit him on the phone, what he has to do with the young people at the party. but henry doesn’t give a shit about that, as you know. it’s just a guess that it could have been mira.


even if mira is travelling, she will keep an eye on her area to see what’s going on.

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