
je reste a l’écoute belle princesse …

shelby seems to be vegan. i haven’t even seen her eat meat. always lots of vegetables

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the beauty of the current princess and future queen of VHTV :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:


Only sausages :yum:


na mal sehen wo sie auftaucht oder sie geht fix nur einkaufen

there seems to be a party at shelby’s. got a refill of drinks

is that party anticipation or just good humour from our esteemed princess

oh please don’t. the female commander libusa and her entourage have appeared. there will probably be drama and stress again because she wants to take command again and decide everything.

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And I’ll be here for every second of it.


does dolph always pull a face like that, as if it’s all getting on his nerves or does he need to warm up first. he looks sinister with that face.

it could be a relaxed evening if you tape up commander libusa’s mouth with armour tape beforehand so that she has to keep her mouth shut and can’t and shouldn’t decide anything. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

I think maybe you should try to relax. Not every party is going to be like the one from two nights ago. Maybe it’ll be great, maybe nothing will happen at all. It would be best to wait and see how everything will play out before dumping anticipation and judgment on them.


i don’t need to relax. because it’s not the first time she’s caused stress and drama. with henry it even came to a violent confrontation with her boyfriend. so far she’s been known to want to decide everything and also to decide what other people should and shouldn’t do. so i’m not telling myself anything.

lol they are teens/young 20s, they know nothing else but drama.


ont prend les méme et on recomence

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Lets hope that she did a lot thinking after the last time.


I just hope that they will play something else other than the boring card came last time

does it really matter as long as they all get nekkid???