
Looks like it may be back on!

I knew that ass is not just to watch…lol

It wasn’t so much of Libusa fault, she was pushed to the side and it pissed her off.

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Well she cant handle shelby’s fire…to childsh to bare a woman with no limits.

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The guy fucking Shelby motioned for him to DP her, but the tatted guy kinda ignored him, until the guy pulled her onto of hium…and who could fucking resist that!!!

Libusa clearly wants to fuck Dolph. This is pretty funny.

On her period two weeks ago as well

Damn…Shelby’s pissed off! :frowning_face:

Come on bro give us some videos…please!! Help a fan of vhtv!!

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Libusa was starting to have fun with the tattoo guy, and don’t tell me you wouldn’t be pissed off too if you were having fun and you got pushed to the side.


What would you like, Pirates of the Carribean or Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. :rofl: :crazy_face: :rofl:

well , new queen not immediately, but already a great princess

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Ahhh…girls kissing and making :heart: up though Shelby still’s acting bummed…coitus interruptus! :unamused:

She seems to be in a good mood, as I see it! :yum: :hugs:


I agree, but she clearly see that both of then are more interested on shelby than her…even dolph didnt get hard for her…

holla what’s the bad mood all of a sudden. dolph slams the bathroom door so hard it cracks

Star wars, lord and no pirates…stupid movie.

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but it’s partly libsa’s own fault, with her dominant nature, wanting to control and determine everything. i wouldn’t want to be a man either, except she has her days

This is 100% what it was and she said that she was put on the side because that she couldn’t do anything and unfortunately is turned into a bad mood now.

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and this was one of her days…a red day. :disappointed: