
this appartment is miras own rented appartment ,which she was living in after leaving henry , the cameras came later , all miras belongings are still in situ , and she only took a few belongings and over the years mira as been known to go off on her travels alone , for days at a time , maybe to visit home /family/or friends, but im not going to say your talking nonsense as that is how it could look in retrospective , but i can tell you one thing you are totally wrong , but like i said t was a good summary you came up with :+1:


ich glaube sie bekommt eine neue und grƶssere Wohnung oder sie zieht in die Wohnung von Gevorg ?

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who now mira or shelby ?

your sarcasm is well known by now. but iā€™m not angry. iā€™m just like that. it was just an opinion of mine. and iā€™m a very small light, where the opinion and so does not count


So you are the gossip guy in the forumā€¦

have always been :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

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Well, I donā€™t think Henryā€™s gonna get kicked out because I consider him close to the founders of VHTV. And if he goes, heā€™ll probably be a rich grandpa. And as for the girls. I did some reading. In Eastern countries, especially Russian-speaking ones, a woman is really like a Neanderthal object. Especially in an alcoholic household. A male doctor/engineer is easily 30% more salary than a woman at the same level. It follows that this is the case everywhere. So a pretty girl who is not ashamed to spread her legs can earn more money than a female engineer/doctor and she doesnā€™t even have to learn Latin for years. Yeah, yeah, ugly girls have to learn Latin or stand on the belt in the factory. This apartment will probably be renamed Shelby.


i wasnt being sarcastic , sorry you read it that way i was just saying i know more than most whats going on with henry and is realms as i have been in contact with him over the years , i first got talking to henry on a cam site and from there we private messaged on here ,i have been an avid henry/mira supporter from the begining


no as most times he ask me not to repeat things , take from that what you will ,

Mira natĆ¼rlich.

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This might be valid on cam sites or professional porn. Totally not the case hereā€¦

still, it doesnā€™t make sense to me if shelby temporarily moves into miraā€™s flat and takes all her stuff with her. and then when mira is back, everything is back. thatā€™s more stress than anything else. but letā€™s see what surprises the next few days will bring

if only you knew !!! but hey free speech and all that , :wink: but seeing as your a newbie and still in your suckling stage anything you say will be taken with a pinch of salt , :thinking: :rofl:

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the question is, how much of the revenue do the girls get and how much does henry keep for himself as manager?

In Romania or Russia?

You put yourself high rank here and a guy who knows everythingā€¦so, prove it!!

yes maybe it does look that way ,but lets be honest she really didntt have that much in the begining , and maybe she feels secure with her belongings with her , there is no deffinate amount of time known how long mira is away for , could be a few days upto a couple of weeks and due to vhtv rules about realms must not be left empty for longer than 24 hours makes sense for her to bring what few posesions she as

thats private imformation , some members are aware of the figures and if they want to share them it can be done by private message

what do i have to prove im just an avatar commenting on a forum , you either listen to what i say or you dont , its entirly upto you , either way i wont get offended and cry about it , i have an habit of using sarcasm or satire in some of my comments but thats just me being me , call me an old duffer im 73 and spent almost 10 years on these forums here and at camcaps and have picked up a few funny habits along the way , well thats my excuse


Totally not the case on this siteā€¦