
they both left. probably back to henry’s

or carolines

yep they’re at caroline’s

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Thank you for the explanation and I remember them getting married (6-8 or so years ago now was it?) and I remember thinking “Why would she do something so daft?!” lol, although to be honest, why she still loves him and why she would want to, or put up with his sleezy ways, or what the hell she sees in him, is anyone’s guess.
I cannot see anything in him that there is to like and pull him away from sex, where he cannot talk about it, or “preform”, or as you put it: “bonk anything that has a pulse” and he is as boring as hell, although he seems to think he is the dogs bollox and ALWAYS has to be the centre of attention, despite the boredom he creates, you can visibly see his captive audience thinking: “Jeeesus, I wish I was somewhere else”…
She could certainly do a hell of a lot better, but each to their own I guess and its her life, as miserable as she is making it.
Anyhoo…thanks again :0)


the day when anyone can work out how a womans mind works will be the day hell freezes over , thats why it amuses me when i see members , asking why women/girls on here do the things they do , i would never torture my intelligence to even think i knew , guess some guys just want to know the answer to the impossible . :thinking:


maybe she’s a Cuckquean woman version of Cuckold

ask me a question on sport :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You know there’s something on your TV with football, skiing or running with the intention of winning. That’s SPORT! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:

so 24 hrs with no activity in this realm time to pull the plug

lol…You are right, I gave up trying to understand the working mind of Women years ago.
Does however, despite that, have to make one wonder why Mira does what she does and why she puts up with all that she does and that really goes for every Girl/Woman on here.
I have never seen any Woman as an object and they are complex beings and need to be respected and yet I feel Women on this thing are really just sperm receptacles for the Men on this Site and none worse than Henry, who at 40, seems to have never grown up and has learned nothing about life.
I am just wondering where he will be a couple of years, or so, from now, when this Site kicks him off for being to old and he has no prospects, no home and no life.
The HUGE question for me is, why do the Women put up with it on here, or more to the point, surely knowingly put up with it?
ALL Women I know would never degrade themselves in this way, or, as Women, would certainly never subject themselves to it, they have far too much pride in themselves as Women.
Sorry, but to me and the circles I move in, it is all very strange and really does go against the grain, against a Woman’s way of thinking, or behaving, outside the walls of privacy that is, especially in 2025.
I am not having a go, or dissing the Site, it is what it is, but as I said, I do find it all very strange.
Reminds me of the Neanderthal days, when the Men clubbed the Woman over the head, dragged them back to their cave, and their way with them and the Women just put up with is, as: “that is the way it is…” and does feel to me that Boys/Men and Girls/Women on this Site are putting Human Behaviour back to the Palaeolithic Era and that feels rather sad and disappointing to me.
It also makes me wonder, those Parents that know what their Child is up to and I know of a few, think of it all and the word “pride”, is a word that does not come into it.
And you are right: “Some guys just want to know the impossible” :0)
I guess I am one of those guys and I would love to sit down with all these Girls/Women on this Site and ask the question and say…“Why are you doing this and why are you content and happy with your behaviour?”


because in certain eastern countries , employment is scarce and these young girls use the tools god gave them to earn a living , yes you could say prostitution would pay more , but this way they can feel safe and earn even with a partner , and if you look at the statistics the number of girls into this way of life is extremely low , you will always get a young girl who is not camera shy and lets be honest you only have to look on social media , near naked women that flaunt themselves its just these girls on VHTV are more adventurous , I was going to use sarcasm in my reply ,but thought you deserved a more understanding reply :wink:


You could be right, but still…

Shelby have arrived with her stuff.


Shelby has arrived!


was i right or was i right , im not just a pretty face im also a psychic :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:




SHELBY!! She is such a Beautiful young lady


Really, a lady?

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