was du hier schreibst ist meiner Ansicht nach Scheisse.
opinions may be different.
To the people who know Mira better. Is Mira very vindictive, or just bitchy towards Shana?
the problem with mira & shana stems from Miras attraction to loki . Normally if someone pisses mira off they just get the cold shoulder then henry gets the rebound
your way to diplomatic in your replies ,
Mira generally is not a very a nice person, and with Shana for whatever reason shes even more unkind.
So why did she take Shana in first, or was Mira angry because Shana fucked Loki again? Or was the money to blame for this bitching, and Shana wants to earn too much money?
So from Mira’s point of view, Shana is a dangerous rival, do you think?
mira prob was hoping to get them back together , as for the argument that stemmed from shana asking about becomming her own manager , although i doubt she as the financies to setup her own appartment ie rent /cameras etc couple that with the fact if she did ,it would be competition for mira and henry and thats not a wise thing to mention to them
I’m going to be completely honest, over the past few years I’ve not been the biggest fan of Mira(and Henry) so if i can avoid watching them i do.
So i don’t know if she feels threatened by her nor do I really care, between their infrequent interactions that I did see she usually comes off looking like a bitter bully.
the dispute was not triggered because shana felt that mira had paid her too little money
At this point in life I have learned not to judge without knowing both versions. In this case we barely know one because of the language so I just hope that the drama is as painless as possible for everyone.
You’re probably right. And it’s just small things.
I also can’t quite understand this drama between the two women. Because I remember when Shana left the project with Loki, everyone, like Mira, Henry, Shana and Loki were best friends, I thought, with some very hot moments earlier. At least that’s how it looked in front of the cameras and at the parties.
Well, times change.
Shana’s getting into some project with what’s lookin like dyes…Maybe some tie dye?
lookin like it’ll be messy!!
I have to admit that I didn’t quite understand what this was about. Looks like Shana is going to start her own production. She said after what I managed to translate in advance into the camera “I’m doing the unpacking, check live at 5:15, unpacking of a space sweatshirt, it looks awesome, if you like it, order it!”
A little relaxation after work!