Again too many clothes
You are on a roll today
Well u know me if doesn’t matter clothed semi clothed semi nude or completely nude I love to post all
you tell him Ronnie , tell him to stop being so bloody picky ,
Probably Mira and henry comming for a peace pow wow ,
You mean for a
I think it would make the most sense for Shana and Mira to keep their distance from each other for the time being until the situation from the other day has calmed down a bit.
my reply was in jest , only said to cause a reaction
petit party entre filles ?
Unfortunately I would bet that the party will indeed be small, I don’t think anything particularly interesting will happen.
She was one of the three who kept “mocking” Shana at Mira’s!
I just think she’s a very cunning girl!
No flies on shelby that’s for sure. She’s at henrys for a week and he hasn’t fucked her yet that’s unheard of unless henry has dementia and he forgot she was there