Shana (Archived Topic)

Where, I see Chyna, Lani, shana, marica, jirina, indira, elisha, and all the guys

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well there is always two clowns in the group think they are cute lol

Sitting on couch next to India

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If the rumors are true, I wonder if she and Chyna have worked together in the past

Viva is standing at the bar with a maroon top on.

would fit the pattern.

The only difference is, it took Viva 2 parties to start fucking everybody, Chyna we’re waiting for her first hookup

I see Lika but not Viva?

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In the login

I am logged in

I mean the loggia

If that’s Kostja’s hat, I hope nobody gets lice, considering it’s been getting around tonight

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Ah sorry. Found her now :wink:

Kostja is having way too much conversation with viva the eyes are watching him

So much for screwing in the bedroom.

Who managed to sneak off, considering how many are here

Birthday boy and Mirica

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Let me guess, before they got very far, they were interrupted by multiple guests

Where is Viva, I haven’t seen her since March!

Thank God nothing is happening here!