Shana (Archived Topic)


I know he is a different guy , But Antonio reminds me of Mikl a little.

As long as Antonio isn’t a disciple of Henry, marica doesn’t need to touch Henry again

muppets tv show GIF
ryan and edd

Marica’s boyfriend and his touch feely all over her, reminds of a guy marking is property, i think it’s a little much

bla bla bla… what are you talking about? you are free user like me :rofl: :rofl:


I think they need to be more aware of the cam locations!

Anyone like Pauls’ ear?

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Remember when everyone complained about Kostja being all over Indira at the partys too?

Maybe Marica and Antonio will be the new Lovebird pair!

Very few new faces at these party’s same folks over and over again lol

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Maybe, you never know, how did she meet him

that look do i look good now :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Did some guests already leave

Who’s birthday is it?

Marica’s boyfriends

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Very small apartment

Is he on VH1 ?

I’m not sure, but apparently he’s a familiar face

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Boy Lana is one pretty lady.

Viva…long time no see!!

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