Shana (Archived Topic)

Wer hat denn den Palmer wieder rausgelassen ?

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the real question is who let him in


He is such a dolt/jerk… why he still is invited puzzles me…


err let me do the maths on that question.
there is no logical answer as to why

I love giving @Shana view counts, but with his presence, I’m out…

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Er lädt sich selbst ein.

Beginning to believe you are right, however, how does he know there’s a party if someone doesn’t tell him?

Er schaut vh-tv.

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here is a app people can download so they know when he is coming and turn the lights off

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Palmer spricht grade mit Mira. Er gibt an als hätte er alles durch gefickt, der möchte gern.

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Elisha has the perfect picture of what we’re thinking


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Simple, he just need to check twitter as this group announces there every single fart show that will happen

Naja den Palmer kriegt ihr so schnell nicht mehr los.:cry:

And every fart show that doesn’t. :wink: :rofl:

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Definition of a fart perhaps = All wind and no substance :rofl:

Seems to fit this apartment rather well i think.last night.