Wer hat denn den Palmer wieder rausgelassen ?
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the real question is who let him in
I love giving @Shana view counts, but with his presence, I’m out…
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Er lädt sich selbst ein.
Beginning to believe you are right, however, how does he know there’s a party if someone doesn’t tell him?
Er schaut vh-tv.
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Palmer spricht grade mit Mira. Er gibt an als hätte er alles durch gefickt, der möchte gern.
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Elisha has the perfect picture of what we’re thinking
Simple, he just need to check twitter as this group announces there every single fart show that will happen
Naja den Palmer kriegt ihr so schnell nicht mehr los.
And every fart show that doesn’t.
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Definition of a fart perhaps = All wind and no substance
Seems to fit this apartment rather well i think.last night.