I looked in Wiki first, pic doesn’t look like him… guess I need to pay more attention lol.
Ooopsie. He is different one indeed…
What a unique state
Offline again…
… and back lol… not really, cam 5 is 20 minutes behind???
Definitely a different guy, marica’s new boyfriend looks a bit younger
Seeing marica and wendy together, you sometimes forget how young she really is, considering mikl was a bit older than her
You are constantly talking about age of participants? Why? I see nobody else here talking about that topic again and again. It is like beating a dead horse. Just curious why you are so obsessed with that?
It is not a matter of prying into anyone’s privacy. Nobody is ageless. Our behavior is greatly affected by our age. We do not behave at 25 the way we used to behave at 18. I do not see an issue in someone stating that one member of a couple looks younger or older than the other one, It is a simple observation when commenting on people’s behavior and their interaction with each other. Age is not just a number
Sure. But nobody is so obsessed by it than Ryan.
I’m 45 twice divorced, and live in a van down by the river lol
Any grizzly bears in your neighborhood ?
Hopefully not too old ones
Well the “Palmer Plague” has arrived… sorry @Shana