Are you complaining?
No happy ending for him. (words: ‘njet’ and 'idiot)
Shana offline, why?
Stromrechnung nicht bezahlt.
Hello, my darlings. I have planned work going on in my house and therefore there was no electricity today. Tomorrow will be the same around the same time
thanks for the information! That should reassure some here
Shana is a horny little girl. Look how this session started and who. This video slow at first.
Such a good guy… Always showing up to take care of the ladies in time of need
Are your parents happy for you to leave their dog alone in a strange environment? It is obviously unhappy.
don’t worry, my parents are very happy that I took the dog away from them and left it alone for a few hours
Ladies , @Shana , @Wendy , Good friends might try something like this…
This would be SOOO FIRE HOT HOT !!!
sorry… @Shana puppy was crying out for you… hope you dont have any close neighbors that complain about dog whining
and now Shana is having to play with her toy and Koen isnt going to help her???