as i said before the easiest thing to do is not let him or palmer into the apartment,they will soon get the message they are not wanted
sex toy LOL , maybe used condom/tampon…
Kano seems like a Henry spy, and that’s why he shows up and has nothing to give to the apartment
i am sure Henry had said that Kano had fallen on hard times (no pun intended) and he was helping out a friend
Everyone can understand that… if that’s truly the case. The fact is, he does nothing in return to help his hosts… nothing.
@shana as a small dog owner , it seems to me Sonya may need her toe nails trimmed , I believe it may be hindering her walking , activity …
Dam. Good sex would have started but they were interrupted by Troy
Hi. We are going to the groomer tomorrow and everything will be done beautifully and comfortably for her.
unfortunately nothing new. whenever things could get exciting, someone shows up. this time troy, often enough henry&co, and ruins the mood
Is that Freddy the Freeloader over here now?
Was sind das für dunkle gestallten?
Seems that Wendy fucks just about everything on two legs.
At least then the dogs are safe