Shana (Archived Topic)

still talking i wish i new what they were saying :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Lol the drama is back again already :joy: :joy:

It isn’t for Kostja to tell Indira what to do…if he doesnt like it why is he there???..Where does he think the money is going to come from???

both of them and the drama

How much has Kostja earned tonight?? fact he has prevented Indira from earning!!

Yes, there is no need to watch these apartments as long as Indira and Kostja are participants. It’s just tiresome in the long run with all the drama there always is around them when there are gatherings.

Surely they are not still talking…the only question to be asked is when is Kostja leaving??

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Henry and his female clone will come up with something to get Indira screwed by the guys and Kostja will do nothing but look stupid and start into an argument with Indira to make her feel guilt when all he has to do is say NO, let them fuck your wife. They never should have came back, for what just to be used as money makers for them

It is not his decision who Indira plays with…she is adult she can make her own choices.

They are still talking.

ffs…the party has died now…Indiras face is as we have seen before…the ultimatum is Kostja or party life.

All it is Henry is trying to talk them into something they really don’t want to do but in the long run they will feel that they have no choice in the matter. Bulls__t, open your mouth Kostja and don’t be a shame to say NO.

Kostja should say no…then pack his bags and go…Kostja can only speak for himself.

Look at both faces, it say it all. We don’t want to do this. More likely Henry gave them money up front to come back and now she has to work it off.

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If kos packs his bags and leaves, will Indira follow him ?? :joy:

So is it ok for Kostja to mess up a young girls life…NO…I am sure Shana and Indira will get along just fine.

She shouldn’t …she should remember that this time of life only comes around once…seize the day!!

There seem to be some commentators who are still living in the Dark Ages with regards to the woman/man roles.

there is a lot of jealousy between both of them seeing each other in certain situation. it works both ways

It seems to me that Indira only gets upset when she sticks to their agreed rules , only to find that Kostja is away enjoying it and breaking the rules…if it was the same for Kostja , when he sees her playing all he has to do is strip…he will find a taker.