Shana (Archived Topic)

Looks exciting and then I got to the live and they are putting their underwear back on and sitting on the couch doing nothing. Pictures are deceiving on this site.

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Back and forth back and forth they will do this all night long. Zzzzzz

Only watch here now if i want going into a coma :laughing:

Our friend with the eternal questionhasn’t said a word tonught , so I will do it for him…Is Chyna here?.. :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Now Kos will pout. Indira will cry. Kos and Mira will have a consultation in the loggia. :joy: :joy:. Kos will shout and Indira will start laughing…

the guy with Indira has hit the jackpot


while the guy feels indira kostja plays with his phone


henry consoling kostja


Kostja crying because that guy is stroking Indira…where is the meeting???

pep talk time

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What gets me is Kostja can be prone to an ass or tit grab…but Indira must remain virgin

I guess Indira will capitulate again…but she shouldn’t have to…Kostja is one of the hosts…what does he want naked bodies but not hers?

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I was waiting for the Mira consultation in the loggia… :joy: :joy:

I think Kostja should just pack his bags and move on…are they still talking???

Mira signalled Indira. She said get up. :joy: :joy:

…and that is why they are in the bedroom…keep up Henry!!

Any news shadow??..what did Kostja expect when they took on the apartment?

What makes it worse is Indira had got the guy nice and warm witha hard on and Kostja started crying.

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Shame how Indira and Kostja are being used by Henry for money and views. Now it looks like they want Indira to be having sex with others then Kostja and he act like he has no say in the matter. Just grow some balls and tell Henry to go where the sun don’t shine Kostja, you are a man correct. More likely they want her to have sex or another gang bang with theses young guys tonight.