Shana (Archived Topic)

Mitchel…I am glad to find you here…have VHTV told the managers of a suggested spend per guest did you hear?..It would be one way of stopping freeloaders because each apartment would have to maximise returns. This would probably mean smaller and more select parties…ideal for a couple like Indira and Kostja who have always been good with ffm threes and are learning how to manage mmff fours.

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Unless you get someone you’re not attracted too! :laughing:

conway wow GIF by University of Central Arkansas

well thats just too bad.dont look at the mantlepiece when you stoke the fire

Indira and kostja are no different at these parties than Debbie and. Paul, who just want to hang with friends, and have no will to fuck on camera

Just bring your own paper bag :sunglasses:




head bag GIF

Somehow Savannah has never fucked him, go figure

his and hers goto be fair to both

Palmer is useless, if Wendy rubbing her ass on his crotch doesn’t do anything it’s a lost cause

Personally I sometimes think that many guests may get a bit pissed off with Henry and his antics sometimes? I maybe wrong.

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Maybe all those Debby blue balls k__led it!

Or he is just really into the big girls, He did fuck Jirina, didn’t he!

Then they do not get an invite…but , of course , Indira and Kostja do not need parties…at least twice every night is on cam…

As Mira appears to be taking up the bed, I hope a Henry Wendy Koen Shana foursome will happen on the living room sofa?

They still invite quite a few couples

And he hopes he can break them down, so he can have some I!

Not if they had to show a profit from them they wouldn’t.

At this point kostja and indira aren’t giving in to anybody

Eventually Palmer just might get a punch.

He failed with Wendy, then starts pawing Shana!