Shana (Archived Topic)

you can also pay more every contribution 10 cents …

then there will be champagne and shrimp again like in the old days …


OMG, will Palmer finally go all the way?

Nope…no erection…and if he can’t get one with a girl who is helping him to strip her and she’s rubbing her ass over his cock…then there is no hope.

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Why doesn’t Mira go home when she’s just going to s___p?

Wendy always shuts him down… she takes it so far and taps out.

All the talk about the food made Shana really hungry :rofl:


too dangerous alone on the street

Now wouldn’t that be enough to make most men realize that they have no business at these partys to begin with?

He’s never had any business being at these parties

Well why can’t he see that and stay away?

There is way too much vodka being _____ for logical thought I would say.

Maybe Palmer could find himself a girlfriend and bring her to the parties…come as a couple, then they could both join in the fun.

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OK… I’m going to say this once… it’s pretty obvious that the guys who show up single can’t get/keep a girlfriend, that’s why they are alone or they would be proud to bring her and show her off. Felix? … he’s a wild card, who knows?

Would he find a girlfriend to bring once she found out his “shortcomings”? :joy: :rofl:

There is a proper word to describe this behavior. But if you use it, you will be accused by management of some real horrors. Not recommended. There are even on board would be scientists who will come to attack you when you least expect it.

Any escort can be bought for the evening to play a role,

These party’s’ are run all wrong to begin with,

What they should do is,
Everybody strip naked on arrival, choose cards at random to set couples every body goes to fuck your chosen partner, when done, return to center to choose the next, and repeat as long as the men can get a serviceable hard-on!

When you drop find your mate and go home!

Bet that would get better views!

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excellent idea