Of course I recognize Indira, I am one of the early I&K lovebird fans!
I just wondered if she did Chynas hair too.
Of course I recognize Indira, I am one of the early I&K lovebird fans!
I just wondered if she did Chynas hair too.
I guess kostja and indira came over for a personal hair appointment with a half naked shana
Dumb me, how soon we forget.
No problem,
Why did they remove the hug emoji from the reaction button?
I guess she needed a second round!
Look ma, no hands lol
Maybe hers is broken?
They are far and few between
That is also the best way I can think of to give you the time, in case you want to save that!
She has no interest in joining any get together where Mikl is there
Not even with Tejo and not with Henry either. That’s why she’s on her own now.
Shana seems to be a very troub__d and mixed up woman, god knows why?
But i dont think fucking about on a porn site is gonna help her very much.
She needs to get away and get a bit of normality in her life i think.
She was fucking Henry at her place a couple of days ago