Shana (Archived Topic)

Often wonder why i am still here tbh. :roll_eyes:

Could be wrong but, Is it that you enjoy watching the hot people, while you pull on your penis, or rub your bean?

You don’t need a subscription to jerk off to shana and company fucking on her couch

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Either that or they were tooo wet.

It seems that Zoja has got some new tattoos in the last few days. One of them is visible at this picture.

There can be compared with pictures in this post.

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Looks to be temporary to me as she didn’t protect it when she took a shower😉

It looks like shana is doing Indira’s hair. I always see a stylist with a sort of paint bush like she has, is she keeping the color dark or something

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Roots it looks like.

It looked like when she joined T&S at M&H, her hair was shorter, less long and wavy, and less darker

It looks like shana is a stylist for the day

So having been to M&H, K&W&M, and here, what are the chances we see Kostja and Indira actually show up at T&J

if you believe in fairy tales, keep dreaming :slightly_smiling_face:

The chances of them accepting an invitation to T&J, are as good as Henry spending the week keeping his hands off all the female guests at his place lol

The Royal Cat on her thigh was there when she was at S&T in Jan / Feb.

Never saw the little one between her tits before.

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Where are they go?

So I think I know what Shana’s new career could be if she ever left VHTV.
Naked Hairdresser for Men and Women. I’ve love to be her first customer.


Do you think Shana does Chynas’ purple hair care?

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Not a tat fan.Sorry

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You know that is India don’t you?